USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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How to Enable Panopto Capture on a Course in Brightspace

Modified on: Thu, 16 May 2024 11:56 AM
  1. Navigate to your course in Brightspace, and select 'Content' in the course navigation bar (top).

  2. Click the 'Add a module...' field and enter a suitable name (e.g Panopto Lectures), or select an existing module where the Panopto link should be added. 

  3. Click the 'Existing Activities' button and select 'External Learning Tools' from the dropdown menu. 

  4. An "Add Activity" pop-up window will appear. Find and select 'USCMannSchool Panopto' under 'LTI Link' column. 

  5. The pop-up window will close and the newly created link will appear. 

  6. Important: Click and test the newly created Panopto link to trigger the activation between Brightspace and Panopto. If you forget to do this step, there will be no course folder created on the Panopto platform.

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