USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Connecting to USC Mann Network Share (Windows PC)

Modified on: Mon, 13 May 2024 11:14 AM

NOTE: File server pscnaf has been replaced with new server pscunity. Old mapped drives and shortcuts will be unreachable. The new address is


If connecting from outside of USC’s network, you must install and configure USC’s VPN client

If connecting over campus Wi-Fi, you must connect to USC Secure Wireless.


  1. Open file explorer and type \\ in the quick access bar and press Enter.

  2. When prompted, enter your domain credentials:\<your USCNetID> and password.

  3. A list of folders will be displayed after login. Right-click the folder you want to access and select 'Map network drive…'

  4. IMPORTANT: Deselect Reconnect at sign-in and select Connect using different credentials. Click Finish.

  5. Click OK to connect.

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