USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Connecting to USC Mann Network Share (Apple macOS)

Modified on: Mon, 13 May 2024 11:14 AM

NOTE: File server pscnaf has been replaced with new server pscunity. Old mapped drives and shortcuts will be unreachable. The new address is


If connecting from outside of USC’s network, you must install and configure USC’s VPN client

If connecting over campus Wi-Fi, you must connect to USC Secure Wireless. 


  1. Select 'Go' from the Finder menu bar. On the bottom of the drop down menu select 'Connect to Server'.

  2. In the server address box, type smb:// Click 'Connect'.
    (If you would like to make this mapping a favorite, click the ‘+’ button.)

  3. In the authentication box select 'Registered User' and enter your USCNetID username and password. Click 'Connect'.

  4. Upon authentication, a new window shows you the available volumes. Select the share you belong to and click 'OK'.

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