USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Recording a Brightspace lecture using Panopto on your computer

Modified on: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 2:17 PM

Course content can be recorded from your computer using Panopto. This content is then made available to your students in Brightspace. All recordings must be done from within your course in Brightspace.

  1. Login to and select the course you in which you wish to record.

  2. Click ‘Content’ from the top menu bar. Locate and click the 'USCMannSchool Panopto' link.
    Note: If this link has not yet been created, please see How to enable Panopto Capture on a Course in Brightspace.

  3. Click on 'Create' and then click on 'Panopto Capture - Record in Browser'.


  4. In the Panopto Capture window, on the top bar, select your Audio, Video, and Screens and Apps sources.

    For more detailed help on using the web based Panopto Capture, please see

  5. Press the red ‘Record’ button when ready. Press the red ‘Stop’ button when ending.
    Note: Please record a small sample and playback to check sound quality. Please delete the sample in Brightspace Panopto later.

  6. Once the recording is complete, the lecture is automatically uploaded. Enter the name of your lecture, and an optional description.

    Important: Please do not close your browser or shut down your computer prior to viewing your competed lecture in Brightspace.
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